Friday, October 10, 2008

Gas Gas Gas

Gas. I am so sick of hearing about gas prices, and off-shore drilling, and all these different solutions to the gas crisis. The fact of the matter is this: Gas prices are not going down anytime soon so we just need to get used to it.
Since I have moved to Hawaii, I have learned that everything is ten times more expensive then it is on the mainland, gas included. It's five dollars for a gallon of milk, and four dollars for a gallon of gas. That is just ridiculous to me. Gas on the mainland was $3.55 when I left in August. Gas has been over four dollars ever since I've been here, until recently. No wonder why my parents told me I needed to save money, everything is more expensive here.
How are we supposed to fill up our cars and eat AND pay our rent, with the cost of living being so high? It is near impossible! I don't have any mode of transportation except for the bus, but I am thinking about getting a car or a moped. Obviously a moped would be a much more economical vehicle and much more cost efficient. One tank of gas lasts for sixty to ninety miles, as opposed to a car, where you get twenty miles to the gallon, if you are lucky.
Needless to say, I am so happy that prices are dropping, but I am almost positive they will be going back up in no time flat.

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